Starting Weight: 239.5
Current Weight: 227.6
Total loss: 11.9 lbs
Exercise: 30 minutes of HIIT training on the elliptical. 10 min warm up - 15 minutes of 30 seconds are, 1 minute slow. - 5 minute cool down. Then did 20 minutes of incline training on the treadmill. Incline was at 5.0 walking at 3.0.
When I started the fast I felt a bit frantic. My mind was all over the place. I absolutely had to keep busy at all times. Sitting still would cause me to start thinking about food and my hunger. Today, I have found a sense of peace and calm. My mind is very clear. I don't think I realized how much time I spent thinking about food until I could no longer think about it. How much time has this addiction stolen from me? I want to fill my days with activities instead of food. Yesterday I took my son snowboarding and my daughter shopping. Then we drove an hour to watch some fireworks and a tree lighting ceremony. I want to live, to experience, and to share that with my children. Why have I been numbing that out with food? Why would I want to do that? I don't have that answer right now, but I'm sure it will come to me along the way.
What the Optifast program is doing for me is helping me to create a clean slate with food. All the sugar, salt, and fat cravings are being wiped from my body. It is breaking me of my food adicition. I cannot think about food, I don't have to prepare food, I'm not obsessing about what I'm going to have next. All of that is gone. It is just me, my thoughts, my feelings, and this journey. I cannot numb out my emotions with food. I have to face them and figure out how to get through each and every one of them without it. In a little over 10 weeks, I will have food back in my life. I have to relearn how to eat correctly, and I have to acknowledge that there are some foods I will never ever ever allow back. Just like an alcoholic knows that if they have a drink it will open the flood gates.
One of the things I've noticed, now that my mind is so clear, is how much my boyfriend is suffering with his addiction. He loves his booze, but after drinking he can't function. He has no energy, no ambition and he is moody. He is down right nasty and short to everyone. Much like me when I was detoxing from food the first week of my fast. Except it is all the time. The bad part is that I like him when he is drinking. Not drunk - but buzzed up. He is super sweet and attentive.
I always wondered why he liked me. Well, when I met him I was in better shape than I am now, around 180 lbs. Not skinny but in better shape. I have a rugged build. I've always had more muscle than than the average girl. I have tree trunk legs that I call "meat sticks" they are strong. I'm not ugly by any means, but I'm not a stunning beauty. I'm a plain jane. Rob, is not a plain jane. He is 6'2 with big broad shoulders and an athletic build. He has the biggest bluest eyes you have ever seen surrounded by the longest darkest eye lashes. Lady killers as I call them. Dark hair and blue eyes. His hair is graying, but that only helps his cause. He is a beautiful man. A definite head turner. But, I think his addiction has made him unstable. He hasn't been able to maintain a career. He gets into a field and then decides he doesn't like it and moves on to something else. He doesn't have any money. He is in the air-national guard and has been saving towards a retirement - but who knows what that looks like. He owes his brothers money, his mother money, the State of NH money, the IRS money, an attorney money... He has a strained relationship with his almost 21 year old daughter. His Dad was killed way too young in an automobile accident. He is funny, smart, and talented. He has amazing potential, but he can't get out of his own way. He can't focus on one thing for a very long period of time. He has dreams as big and as large as anyone, but the inability to follow through with them. He has multiple talents, can build and work on a house like nobody but spends one day doing it, two days getting drunk and four days recovering. It is a sick cycle. It is a sad cycle. It saddens me to see this man with so many God given talents waste his life by looking into the bottom of an empty bottle. I don't know how to help him. I don't want to be his mother. I keep hoping that my progress will inspire him to find some of his own. He does for about 2 days and then goes back into the old ways. He says things like, "I did a really good today, I deserve a drink." Or chooses to eat something shitty instead. The other problem is how miserable he is when he stops drinking. He is cold, distant, and angry. He dwells terribly on the past... I often wonder if that is where he is in his dark moods. He has been married twice. His second wife divorced him and he loved her a lot. Here is a man who could get any woman he wants - if he had his shit together. But he doesn't and he has me and I make sure all the bills are paid, and I rarely ever get angry at this roller coaster ride. I listen to each and every excuse for him not going to work, or leaving early to sit on the couch and take a nap. I don't say anything. I enable him and I know it. If he ever knew I felt this way or thought these things he would be devastated because I protect his ego. I allow him to be who he thinks he is in his head. I don't have the heart to deliver that dose of reality. I don't want that instead, I let the drama continue around me and my children with the hope that this amazing man will find his way. It is more than unhealthy for everyone involved and I've tried to end it on many occasions. We all have our own demons. I suppose that is how I justify his behavior. No matter who I end up with they are going to bring their own issues into the equation as well. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't. It certainly sounds like I'm settling, but I don't think so. If and when he is able to get better, I will have won the boyfriend lottery.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Day Nine: Food Addiction
Starting Weight: 239.5
Current Weight: 228.3
Total Loss: - 11.2
I lost some of the mystery weight. Maybe I wasn't fully awake when I weighed myself? Maybe the scale was on a bump in the floor? Maybe I gained mystery weight? I'm trying to not let it bother me, but it does. It doesn't make me want to quit, but it takes the wind out my sails a bit. I suppose this is one of those things I'm supposed to learn from on this journey. We as women gain mystery weight. Our bodies are amazing! We have the power to create life, and apparently gain 2lbs of mystery weight overnight while consuming 800 calories a day and exercising. So weird. Perhaps, I should stay off the scale every day? I don't think I can. I get excited to get on the scale. Oh well...trying to move on from it, again.
I read a lot posts on the website forum. I read a post today by a young woman who is about 20 lbs over weight and wants to restrict her calories to 500-700 a day and exercise 5 hours a day! I want to cry when I read this. I can see the desperation in her posts - how she really believes that losing the weight is going to be the answer to all of her problems. That the weight is why everything in her world is terrible right now. I know that feeling. I have felt it so many times. I have felt disgusted with myself and ashamed. Not wanting to go to family events because I would show up fatter than I was the last time everyone saw me and they would whisper about it or talk about it after I left. I haven't wanted to go out to dinner, or go into public with my boyfriend because I'm afraid that people will talk about how Rob, my strong strapping boyfriend, has such a fat girlfriend. I have opted out of living because of my weight. I have let my weight run my life.
Now, tell me honestly? Does an alcoholic let alcohol control their life? Does a gambler let gambling control their life? A drug addict with drugs? Yes, yes and yes. If weight controls your life, causes you to change the way you do things, causes you to miss things you would typically attend, stop doing things you love - if you think about food all day long, sneak off to have a treat, reward yourself for a good day with food, reward yourself for a bad day with food, eat because your bored, eat because your tired, eat because you don't feel good, eat because you are watching tv, just eat because you want to eat when you are not hungry - YOU ARE A FOOD ADDICT. That is a realization that has hit home with me. To put a name to this battle that I've been having for so long has brought me some peace. Once I get through the Optifast program, there may be some trigger foods that I may never ever be able to have again. I've got to learn how to deal with my boredom, sadness, and happiness without food, like a normal person. Treating my emotions with food is unhealthy and if I keep it up it will eventually kill me.
It is time to change our thinking. 95% of us gain the weight back that we lose. Doesn't that sentence tell you something? There is a reason why we have yo-yo dieted for years and year. We haven't been treating the problem correctly. We have been beating ourselves up because we haven't had any "will-power" "self-control" when it comes to food. We have mentally tortured ourselves with diet after diet after diet. We have beaten our own self-esteems down every single time we gain the weight back and have to start all over again. It is NOT our faults. Tell yourself over and over and over again. This is NOT my fault. Love yourself again. You, like me were probably brought up being rewarded for a good job with food. Being rewarded for being brave with food. Being rewarded for a hard day with food. Our brains have learned that food is the answer to every mood. Say it again with me, "THIS IS NOT MY FAULT." Believe it, cause it is true. We are addicted to food. Our brains over rule our ability to make a change every single time. A great many of us have a food addiction. Start treating the problem like an addiction. I'm going to start treating mine like an addiction, because I know that is what it is. I'm not going to live in the land of delusion anymore. I'm going to call a spade a spade and do what it takes to heal this once and for all. I'm getting off this roller-coaster. Are you guys with me?
Current Weight: 228.3
Total Loss: - 11.2
I lost some of the mystery weight. Maybe I wasn't fully awake when I weighed myself? Maybe the scale was on a bump in the floor? Maybe I gained mystery weight? I'm trying to not let it bother me, but it does. It doesn't make me want to quit, but it takes the wind out my sails a bit. I suppose this is one of those things I'm supposed to learn from on this journey. We as women gain mystery weight. Our bodies are amazing! We have the power to create life, and apparently gain 2lbs of mystery weight overnight while consuming 800 calories a day and exercising. So weird. Perhaps, I should stay off the scale every day? I don't think I can. I get excited to get on the scale. Oh well...trying to move on from it, again.
I read a lot posts on the website forum. I read a post today by a young woman who is about 20 lbs over weight and wants to restrict her calories to 500-700 a day and exercise 5 hours a day! I want to cry when I read this. I can see the desperation in her posts - how she really believes that losing the weight is going to be the answer to all of her problems. That the weight is why everything in her world is terrible right now. I know that feeling. I have felt it so many times. I have felt disgusted with myself and ashamed. Not wanting to go to family events because I would show up fatter than I was the last time everyone saw me and they would whisper about it or talk about it after I left. I haven't wanted to go out to dinner, or go into public with my boyfriend because I'm afraid that people will talk about how Rob, my strong strapping boyfriend, has such a fat girlfriend. I have opted out of living because of my weight. I have let my weight run my life.
Public Policy Statement: Definition of Addiction
Short Definition of Addiction:
Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.
Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Day Eight: Thanksgiving!
Starting Weight: 239.5
Current Weight: 229.0
Total Change: -10 lbs
Wait...what? Yeah, somehow I gained weight. I gained 2 lbs back. I didn't cheat, I drank all of my water. I dunno....just one of those weird things I guess. I had a dream that I ate Chinese food. It was so good. My friend from Canada said "Fake weight! Damn msg." Hahaha!
Thanksgiving was good. I never felt like I was missing anything. It wasn't hard to watch them all eat. It was harder to deal with them after they had all been drinking. Ugh...
I think my mood has stabilized. Almost. I don't feel as irritable. Let's hope so!
I'm hoping tomorrow when I get back on the scale this mystery extra 2 lbs will have disappeared! What the hell!!??
Current Weight: 229.0
Total Change: -10 lbs
Wait...what? Yeah, somehow I gained weight. I gained 2 lbs back. I didn't cheat, I drank all of my water. I dunno....just one of those weird things I guess. I had a dream that I ate Chinese food. It was so good. My friend from Canada said "Fake weight! Damn msg." Hahaha!
Thanksgiving was good. I never felt like I was missing anything. It wasn't hard to watch them all eat. It was harder to deal with them after they had all been drinking. Ugh...
I think my mood has stabilized. Almost. I don't feel as irritable. Let's hope so!
I'm hoping tomorrow when I get back on the scale this mystery extra 2 lbs will have disappeared! What the hell!!??
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Day Seven - Horrible Moods & Snow
Starting Weight: 229.5
Current Weight: 227.5
Total Change: - 12 lbs
I'm so moody!!! So damn irritable and short. I'm trying to cut myself some slack. I am fighting and addiction and I can't have it to try and regulate my mood. Usually if I'm grumpy I would get myself something delightful to shove in my mouth! If I'm sad, I would definitely find something yummy to cheer myself up with. If I'm angry the perfect solution would be a delicious snack! If I'm happy? Of course! Why wouldn't I keep the merry behavior rolling with something to tickle my taste buds? Well, I can't do that. So, I'm f*$#@*ing pissed off. Well, not really pissed off. Just quiet and withdrawn. I know it is just a side effect of my body chemistry changing. My brain chemistry too of course. I hope it regulates soon, for the sake of my family.
Last night, I was having a tough night. We had gone to deliver some Thanksgiving flowers to my boyfriend's mother. We ended up staying longer than we had thought. I didn't prepare correctly and ended up being so hungry I was almost catatonic! We got home and I ate an Optifast tomato soup. It helped, but it didn't help my mood much. My family wanted to walk around the block because we were getting our first big snowstorm. I tried to be a team player and go along even though I wasn't really feeling up to it. Another wonderful side effect of this rapid weight loss is feeling cold. Makes sense right? Losing fat - shedding blub will make you feel colder. Half way around the block someone throws a snowball and snow goes down the back of my boots. I didn't say a peep, just kept walking swiftly towards the house. They played, threw snowballs and danced around in the snow. I just couldn't enjoy it. My boyfriend made a comment about me walking ahead, but I just let it go.
It was approaching 9 pm and I tucked the kids in to bed. I have a 12 year old and a 10 year old. Both of them still love to be tucked in. I went to get into my own bed and it has been stripped down to the mattress. No pillow cases, no sheets, even the comforter cover was gone. I'm tired, and irritable and now I have to make the bed. How annoying!! I don't say anything, I go downstairs and I get the stuff to make the bed and slowly start to put it all back together. I had the hall light on. My boyfriend shuts the hall light off. I turn it back on. He shuts it off. I turn it back on. "Why do you keep turning the light back on" he bellows up the hall? "Because I'm trying to make the bed" I reply. He storms off and mutters, "You are so rotten. Why don't you just eat something." I stood there stunned as if someone had punched me in the gut. I wanted to cry. I'm trying so hard to get through this. I'm trying to be a better person for myself, for my kids and for him. I'm trying. As silly and ridiculous as it seems, it just stung. I finished the bed and went downstairs. "I'm rotten because I'm want to make the bed?" I asked. He said something about me being in a bad mood since we got back from his mothers. I didn't argue with him. I felt defeated. "Thanks for being such a great support system" I spouted off. "Well, I'm trying" he spat back. I grabbed a bottle of water and a brownie bar and made my way back upstairs. "Goodnight" I said, "You suck." I felt badly the minute the words left my mouth, but it was how I felt. He did suck. I needed him to be loving, patient, kind and understanding and he was being none of those things. I needed him to hug me and tell me it would all be ok and that in a few days I would start feeling better. Instead he was pissed off that I didn't enjoy the snow walk and I was being quiet and withdrawn. God forbid. I'd love to see what he would be like without food and booze for 7 days.
He didn't come up to bed last night, and I slept like a baby spread out across the entire thing. No one to roll around and wake me up. No snoring. Just pure uninterrupted sleep. Bliss! I got up this morning and did the adult thing. I told him I was sorry for telling him he sucked. Even if he really did suck, it wasn't immature of me to tell him straight to face that.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm excited to spend some time with my family today.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Day Six - Friends
Starting Weight: 239.5
Current Weight: 229.7
Total Change: - 9.8 lbs
Exercise: 1.5 hour hike up Mt. Major.
One of the hard parts about doing the Optifast program at LRGH is that I'm the only person participating. There was one other person that did the program before me. I'm not sure if they were successful or not. So, I found an optifast support group on facebook and put out a request for an accountability partner. I found a gal from Canada and we have started supporting one another. It is a good feeling knowing that there is someone else out there that you can talk to, ask questions, and share ideas with. The Canadian program is apparently a lot different than the US program. She has 4 shakes a day, and only vanilla and chocolate. They don't have any soups and they don't have any bars. How awful! No wonder it is so difficult to stay on track. I've offered to send her some soups and bars so she can give those a try. I absolutely love having my nice warm soup at night. I look forward to it.
I still have a good amount of energy. I was really tired last night. That is good! I've had a few nights where I've had a hard time falling and staying asleep. I slept like a log.
Today is also my last dose of Prednisone. Right before I started the program, I was digging in the back yard and got a bad case of poison sumac. So bad that my entire face was swollen, and my eyes swollen shut. Terrible...itchy, burning, nastiness. My hands still burn at night. I will be happy to get off the prednisone though. I hate taking pills.
I was supposed to meet with the nutritionist today, but for whatever reason she can't meet today. I have to say that I'm a little bit disappointed. It is a lot of money to be spending for the "support" of professionals to not get it. I'm not going to let it get in my way or sabotage my progress. Moving on!
Current Weight: 229.7
Total Change: - 9.8 lbs
Exercise: 1.5 hour hike up Mt. Major.
One of the hard parts about doing the Optifast program at LRGH is that I'm the only person participating. There was one other person that did the program before me. I'm not sure if they were successful or not. So, I found an optifast support group on facebook and put out a request for an accountability partner. I found a gal from Canada and we have started supporting one another. It is a good feeling knowing that there is someone else out there that you can talk to, ask questions, and share ideas with. The Canadian program is apparently a lot different than the US program. She has 4 shakes a day, and only vanilla and chocolate. They don't have any soups and they don't have any bars. How awful! No wonder it is so difficult to stay on track. I've offered to send her some soups and bars so she can give those a try. I absolutely love having my nice warm soup at night. I look forward to it.
I still have a good amount of energy. I was really tired last night. That is good! I've had a few nights where I've had a hard time falling and staying asleep. I slept like a log.
Today is also my last dose of Prednisone. Right before I started the program, I was digging in the back yard and got a bad case of poison sumac. So bad that my entire face was swollen, and my eyes swollen shut. Terrible...itchy, burning, nastiness. My hands still burn at night. I will be happy to get off the prednisone though. I hate taking pills.
I was supposed to meet with the nutritionist today, but for whatever reason she can't meet today. I have to say that I'm a little bit disappointed. It is a lot of money to be spending for the "support" of professionals to not get it. I'm not going to let it get in my way or sabotage my progress. Moving on!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Day Five - Energy
Starting Weight: 239.5
Current Weight: 230.4
Total Change: 9.1 lbs
Energy! Loads and loads of energy today! Finally. I was also in a really great mood. Went to the gym and did Week 1, Day 2 of Lee Labarada's Lean Body. Then went for a 1 hour hike up Gunstock Mountain. It was 65 degrees yesterday, how could I stay in? It felt good to go up the mountain, and felt good to burn chub. Rob, my boyfriend, went with me as well. He is still dragging from the demo we did in the living room, from drinking all weekend long, and from eating like shit. I have to say that seeing him like that really made me realize how much I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to party all weekend and then be a piece of shit for the first two days of the week. How old are we? We are not in college anymore. His mood was "blah"all day long and I tried to not let it get me down.
Tomorrow is my first weigh in! I'm excited to see what my total loss will be and excited to learn something new.
Current Weight: 230.4
Total Change: 9.1 lbs
Energy! Loads and loads of energy today! Finally. I was also in a really great mood. Went to the gym and did Week 1, Day 2 of Lee Labarada's Lean Body. Then went for a 1 hour hike up Gunstock Mountain. It was 65 degrees yesterday, how could I stay in? It felt good to go up the mountain, and felt good to burn chub. Rob, my boyfriend, went with me as well. He is still dragging from the demo we did in the living room, from drinking all weekend long, and from eating like shit. I have to say that seeing him like that really made me realize how much I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to party all weekend and then be a piece of shit for the first two days of the week. How old are we? We are not in college anymore. His mood was "blah"all day long and I tried to not let it get me down.
Tomorrow is my first weigh in! I'm excited to see what my total loss will be and excited to learn something new.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Day Four - The Brain
Initial Weight: 239.5
Current Weight: 230.7
Total Change: -8.8 lbs
Exercise: 30 minutes on the Elliptical; 10 minutes reg. 15 minutes of HIIT training and 5 minutes of regular/cool down. I began Lee Labrada's Lean Body - 12 week trainer to try and engage some muscle. Here is the link if you want to try it out!
Yesterday was challenging for me. I struggled with my mind. Now that I'm not planning out my next meal every second, I have a lot of free time to think. I watched my boyfriend drink multiple cranberry and vodka cocktails, and then have a glass of wine with his dinner. I felt annoyed by that. The entire time he boasted about having been a "good" all day. I didn't say much. Not worth the argument really. How can eating good include several cranberry and diet cocktails and a glass of wine? We each have our own addictions don't we? Now, that I've been 4 days sober from my food addiction it become a lot easier to see the addictions of others.
I went to my Mom's and watched my nephew for four hours or so. That was great. Helped take my mind off things for a bit. I am just so in love with him. My mother was supportive, and so was my sister. They wished I would do something more "normal" like weight watchers, but that just doesn't work for me. I have to go balls to the walls. All in - or I'm not. It is that simple.
I was really mentally tired tonight when I got home. I had a very bad case of the "blahs" and was even a little short with my daughter when we went food shopping. Yes, I went food shopping. It really didn't bother me at all. In fact, I got home and cooked Shepard's pie for them all. I watched them eat it while I sipped on my tomato soup. It didn't bother me. I didn't want it. I think it bothered them more to in front of me than it does for me to watch them eat.
I began weight-training yesterday. I love to move weight. It is so empowering. In the first two weeks of the program you are not supposed to do anymore than 30 minutes of exercise a day. Walking is what they told me to do. I get so bored so easily - and walking (for me) is just boring. I am always testing myself, pushing myself - so I went on and looked for the easiest weight training program I could find. It really was easy. If you use the mobile app for bodybuilding on your phone they actually give you video demonstrations of each exercise so you don't look like a complete knucklehead at the gym fumbling around with free weights. Plus, something Dr. Warner said to me on my consultation kept banging around in my head. She told me that there was something magical about HIIT training and weight lifting when done together. She said no one really knew why, but that combo seemed to cause a greater fat burn than any other combo. That is all I need to know! HIIT training and weight-lifting it is from now on.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Day Three - Done
Starting Weight: 239.5
Daily Weigh-in; 232.6
Total loss: - 6.9 lbs
The weight loss is slowing down! Which just means that initial water loss is over. Good! I'm ready to look at real numbers. No headache yesterday, still a "blah"mood. I have ok energy. I'm not finding it hard to stay on just shakes during the day at all. I'm able to deal with the hunger. I'm really trying to keep busy. It is when I slow down and get bored that I start craving. I went to Michael's craft store yesterday and picked out a project to do. I'm going to bead some bracelets! Just gotta stay busy.
Took my before pictures today. on earth did I do this to myself?
Day three tips: Stay busy! Drink, drink, drink zero calorie beverages.
Daily Weigh-in; 232.6
Total loss: - 6.9 lbs
The weight loss is slowing down! Which just means that initial water loss is over. Good! I'm ready to look at real numbers. No headache yesterday, still a "blah"mood. I have ok energy. I'm not finding it hard to stay on just shakes during the day at all. I'm able to deal with the hunger. I'm really trying to keep busy. It is when I slow down and get bored that I start craving. I went to Michael's craft store yesterday and picked out a project to do. I'm going to bead some bracelets! Just gotta stay busy.
Took my before pictures today. on earth did I do this to myself?
Day three tips: Stay busy! Drink, drink, drink zero calorie beverages.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Day Two In The Books
Day Two - Completed
Daily Weigh in: 233.2
Total Change: 6.3 lbs
Had a minor headache most of the day. Felt kinda deflated. I suppose that is because of the withdrawal and detox from fat/sugar/salt. Oh well! Gotta get through this. Losing a total of 6.3 lbs in two days ain't too shabby! Just water I know. It will level off by the end of this first week! My goal is 5 lbs a week, so I'm there on week one.
Tips For Day Two: Drink, drink, drink, drink. Water, soda water, seltzer water. Just drink, and pea and flush the system of toxins.
Daily Weigh in: 233.2
Total Change: 6.3 lbs
Had a minor headache most of the day. Felt kinda deflated. I suppose that is because of the withdrawal and detox from fat/sugar/salt. Oh well! Gotta get through this. Losing a total of 6.3 lbs in two days ain't too shabby! Just water I know. It will level off by the end of this first week! My goal is 5 lbs a week, so I'm there on week one.
Tips For Day Two: Drink, drink, drink, drink. Water, soda water, seltzer water. Just drink, and pea and flush the system of toxins.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Day One - Completed
Beginning Weight: 239.5 Nov - 20th
Current Weight: 235.7 - Nov - 19th
Change of -3.8lbs
Height: 5'7"
What you want to know is how much this program costs. It is $1300 down and then $89 a week. It includes all of my tests, Doctor visits, nutritionist visits and food. It is 16 weeks long. Twelve weeks is just the shakes/soups and bars. Then it is a four week transition back to food. They tell me I should lose at least 50 lbs in the first 12 weeks. HOLY CRAP! That is amazing.
You are also curious how the food tastes. The chocolate shake is creamy and tastes just like a chocolate milk. The vanilla is what you would imagine a vanilla milk to taste like and the strawberry tastes like low-fat milk with a little strawberry flavor. The fudge brownie bar is dense, thick and tastes like a fudgy thick brownie. I really liked that one. The berry bar tastes like a pop-tart. The peanut butter bar tastes like horse food. The tomato soup is surprisingly good - if you like tomato soup and the chicken soup was salty to me. However, it was awesome to have nice warm tomato soup in front of a roaring fire tonight. I didn't feel like I was missing anything.
You are curious how I feel after my first day and if it was hard. I felt empowered all day. I didn't find it hard to stay on the diet at all. I didn't crave and I didn't feel hungry. Too many endorphins firing off to have many problems on day one. I did get to the gym and walked 2 miles on the treadmill. Took me 35 minutes. I did work up a sweat.
You are curious how I feel starting day 2: I'm not hungry this morning. I have a slight headache. I slept like a log and got up at 5:30am. I pounded water when I first got up and my breath was so bad that I could have easily killed a small child or set someone on fire.
You are curious who I meet with and when: I meet with the nutritionist one a week, and I meet with the Doctor every other week. I am the only person in this program right now, so I get one on one with both people. This is good, and this is bad. I kinda like the group competition and I will miss hearing feedback from other people, but I do get the direct attention with the people and will be able to make this as custom as possible - tailored just to me.
The Fluff: (This is just my personal journey notes and such!)
Talk about anxiety. The night before (November 19th) I started the Optifast program I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I am NOT prone to mood swings, or anxiety. Although I was certain that this was the right plan for me, I had this awful feeling that something somewhere was wrong. I texted my ex-husband, who is also my business partner and children's Dad, if everything was ok with the businesss. I asked him if he thought we were raising our kids right. I can't explain the feeling I had. Pure dread and doom. It lasted throughout the night and I didn't sleep well.
I woke up around 5am excited and nervous. The anxiety was less obvious and was replaced with determination. I made my first vanilla shake and sipped on it. The flavor of the vanilla is good. It is easily tolerable. Would I pay for one if they had it as an option at Dunks? Probably not, but it is what it is and it is not forever.
I got a surprise call around 9 am from the Nutritionist at the Weight loss Institute. She and I hadn't met yet and she wanted to go over the program with me and try some shakes. She didn't know that I had actually started the program that day. I am doing the program through the Lakes Region General Hospital's Weight Loss Institute. Apparently, I am the second person to take part in the program. For many that might seem terrifying! I'm excited and ready to pave the way for other people that want to take part in the program.
I met with Elizabeth at 11. She put me on this super scale that sends electricity through your body and can measure how much your bones weigh, your fat, your muscles how much water your have. It was really cool. I don't get to do that every single week. Only once in the beginning, and once at the end. We tried all the different types of food offered in the first 12 weeks. We also went over wether I will do the 800 calorie plan or 900 calorie plan. I'm going to try the 800 (5 shakes a day) and see how I feel on it.
I met with Dr. Warner at 1pm and she went over my test results. My EKG was fine. All my blood work came back great. I don't even have high cholesterol. I was surprised. My sugar was great, I'm in good shape. My thyroid was normal, kidneys, liver everything was good. I officially have no excuses. So, let's do this thing.
Current Weight: 235.7 - Nov - 19th
Change of -3.8lbs
Height: 5'7"
What you want to know is how much this program costs. It is $1300 down and then $89 a week. It includes all of my tests, Doctor visits, nutritionist visits and food. It is 16 weeks long. Twelve weeks is just the shakes/soups and bars. Then it is a four week transition back to food. They tell me I should lose at least 50 lbs in the first 12 weeks. HOLY CRAP! That is amazing.
You are also curious how the food tastes. The chocolate shake is creamy and tastes just like a chocolate milk. The vanilla is what you would imagine a vanilla milk to taste like and the strawberry tastes like low-fat milk with a little strawberry flavor. The fudge brownie bar is dense, thick and tastes like a fudgy thick brownie. I really liked that one. The berry bar tastes like a pop-tart. The peanut butter bar tastes like horse food. The tomato soup is surprisingly good - if you like tomato soup and the chicken soup was salty to me. However, it was awesome to have nice warm tomato soup in front of a roaring fire tonight. I didn't feel like I was missing anything.
You are curious how I feel after my first day and if it was hard. I felt empowered all day. I didn't find it hard to stay on the diet at all. I didn't crave and I didn't feel hungry. Too many endorphins firing off to have many problems on day one. I did get to the gym and walked 2 miles on the treadmill. Took me 35 minutes. I did work up a sweat.
You are curious how I feel starting day 2: I'm not hungry this morning. I have a slight headache. I slept like a log and got up at 5:30am. I pounded water when I first got up and my breath was so bad that I could have easily killed a small child or set someone on fire.
You are curious who I meet with and when: I meet with the nutritionist one a week, and I meet with the Doctor every other week. I am the only person in this program right now, so I get one on one with both people. This is good, and this is bad. I kinda like the group competition and I will miss hearing feedback from other people, but I do get the direct attention with the people and will be able to make this as custom as possible - tailored just to me.
The Fluff: (This is just my personal journey notes and such!)
Talk about anxiety. The night before (November 19th) I started the Optifast program I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I am NOT prone to mood swings, or anxiety. Although I was certain that this was the right plan for me, I had this awful feeling that something somewhere was wrong. I texted my ex-husband, who is also my business partner and children's Dad, if everything was ok with the businesss. I asked him if he thought we were raising our kids right. I can't explain the feeling I had. Pure dread and doom. It lasted throughout the night and I didn't sleep well.
I woke up around 5am excited and nervous. The anxiety was less obvious and was replaced with determination. I made my first vanilla shake and sipped on it. The flavor of the vanilla is good. It is easily tolerable. Would I pay for one if they had it as an option at Dunks? Probably not, but it is what it is and it is not forever.
I got a surprise call around 9 am from the Nutritionist at the Weight loss Institute. She and I hadn't met yet and she wanted to go over the program with me and try some shakes. She didn't know that I had actually started the program that day. I am doing the program through the Lakes Region General Hospital's Weight Loss Institute. Apparently, I am the second person to take part in the program. For many that might seem terrifying! I'm excited and ready to pave the way for other people that want to take part in the program.
I met with Elizabeth at 11. She put me on this super scale that sends electricity through your body and can measure how much your bones weigh, your fat, your muscles how much water your have. It was really cool. I don't get to do that every single week. Only once in the beginning, and once at the end. We tried all the different types of food offered in the first 12 weeks. We also went over wether I will do the 800 calorie plan or 900 calorie plan. I'm going to try the 800 (5 shakes a day) and see how I feel on it.
I met with Dr. Warner at 1pm and she went over my test results. My EKG was fine. All my blood work came back great. I don't even have high cholesterol. I was surprised. My sugar was great, I'm in good shape. My thyroid was normal, kidneys, liver everything was good. I officially have no excuses. So, let's do this thing.
Questions, questions and more questions
How did I get here again? Why did I do this to myself? I had lost 67 lbs back in 2010. I had kept it off right up until 2012, then I let it all creep slowly back on. WHY? Oh, who knows why. I can't figure that out now, all I know is that it is time to do something about it again. I can't roll out of bed efficiantly anymore! I can't bend over to tie my shoes without my fat roll getting in the way. I wear a rotation of black yoga pants every single day and even those are starting to get uncomfortable. What have I done?
I'm 5'7" - 240 lbs. I'm fat. If you don't like that I'm calling myself fat, than this is not the blog for you. I call it as it is. I'm not going to sugar coat anything I go through because I'm afraid I may offend someone. This is real life, and real life is more often than not hard, ugly, and dirty.
Today, I start my journey on the medically supervised weight loss program called "Optifast". I'm choosing Optifast because I need to have a signficant amount of skin in the game. I need real clinical accountability. I need the professional hands on of a physcian, an addiction therapist, and a nutristionist. I'm sick of trying and failing on my own. Don't get me wrong. I'm a fiercly independant woman! I own my own business. I am a single Mom of two kiddos. I make my own money, own my own home, car, and pay my own bills. I don't ask for help very often, but it comes a time when one must be smart enough to realize that they don't have the ability or the skill set do something on their own. I can't lose weight on my own, I need help. I suppose that is the first step in realizing that a program like Optifast is right for you, knowing that you can't do this alone and a group leader, a gym buddy, a mother or sister, the lady who lost all the weight from work is just not enough. Time to put all your chips (the poker kind and the Lays variety) on the table, antiup and get this done for once and for all. That is where I'm at.
I've spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on every weightloss product out there. You name it and I have done it...unsucessfully. So, when they told me how much Optifast would cost me, I swallowed hard, did some research of my own, put pencil to paper on how much I think I've spent already losing the weight and made the decision. They have told me that it costs around $2800 for the program. YIKES, right? I don't think so. Am I worth $2800? Oh yes, and a lot more. I've spend that on a half a year of dance classes for my daughter. Why wouldn't I do this for myself? I deserve it. Yes, I deserve it. I keep saying that to myself over and over and over. When I wrote out the check yesterday for the first $125.00, I repeated that mantra. I'm worth it.
Yesterday, I had my first initial consultation with the Doctor that watches over the process. My blood pressure is high. My official diagnosis is "Obesity." That just sucks to hear, but is very motivating. She asked me a bunch of questions about why I would want to drink chalk and eat cardboard. Yes, she actually said that! A lady in a white coat with a sense of humor. I liked her right away. I explained having skin in the game (the money) and the accountability of the proffesionals. She warned me that if I didn't follow the program all the way to the end that I would end up being right back here again. She warned me that it is not easy to take in 800 calories a day and exercise for an hour a day. She warned me that this was the step before you did baratric surgery. That this is the mother of all weight loss programs. She told me that I will lose a lot of weight and lose it fast if I did what I was supposed to do. She told me that this would be an emotional journey. I foamed at the mouth hearing all of it. She didn't scare me one bit. I'm ready.
Today, I have some tests. I have a bunch of blood work to be done to determine if my thyroid is normal, and all my internal crap is working right. I also have an EKG. It doesn't make sense to do this program if there is an underlying problem that is going to inhibit your ability to participate. So level out the playing field. Start with a clean slate. Let's figure out if my insides are all ok. Is my sugar ok, my cholesterol? I'm sure its not. I'm sure it is high, and that will scare the piss out of me. FEAR is one of the best motivators. So, let's get scared. I'm going to need all the motivation I can get. If all my tests come back ok, I will start with the optifast food next Thursday. Oh yeah, let's start a diet during the Holidays! Oh, dear... Are you ready? Are you ready to go through this wild ride with me? I promise it will be entertaining, and I promise to be as honest and I can to help anyone out there on the fence about this program. I promise to answer any questions you may have. I'm ready to be the science experiment! I'm ready for March of 2015 cause that is when I will hit my goal weight. I have a plan, just need the shakes.
I'm 5'7" - 240 lbs. I'm fat. If you don't like that I'm calling myself fat, than this is not the blog for you. I call it as it is. I'm not going to sugar coat anything I go through because I'm afraid I may offend someone. This is real life, and real life is more often than not hard, ugly, and dirty.
Today, I start my journey on the medically supervised weight loss program called "Optifast". I'm choosing Optifast because I need to have a signficant amount of skin in the game. I need real clinical accountability. I need the professional hands on of a physcian, an addiction therapist, and a nutristionist. I'm sick of trying and failing on my own. Don't get me wrong. I'm a fiercly independant woman! I own my own business. I am a single Mom of two kiddos. I make my own money, own my own home, car, and pay my own bills. I don't ask for help very often, but it comes a time when one must be smart enough to realize that they don't have the ability or the skill set do something on their own. I can't lose weight on my own, I need help. I suppose that is the first step in realizing that a program like Optifast is right for you, knowing that you can't do this alone and a group leader, a gym buddy, a mother or sister, the lady who lost all the weight from work is just not enough. Time to put all your chips (the poker kind and the Lays variety) on the table, antiup and get this done for once and for all. That is where I'm at.
I've spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on every weightloss product out there. You name it and I have done it...unsucessfully. So, when they told me how much Optifast would cost me, I swallowed hard, did some research of my own, put pencil to paper on how much I think I've spent already losing the weight and made the decision. They have told me that it costs around $2800 for the program. YIKES, right? I don't think so. Am I worth $2800? Oh yes, and a lot more. I've spend that on a half a year of dance classes for my daughter. Why wouldn't I do this for myself? I deserve it. Yes, I deserve it. I keep saying that to myself over and over and over. When I wrote out the check yesterday for the first $125.00, I repeated that mantra. I'm worth it.
Yesterday, I had my first initial consultation with the Doctor that watches over the process. My blood pressure is high. My official diagnosis is "Obesity." That just sucks to hear, but is very motivating. She asked me a bunch of questions about why I would want to drink chalk and eat cardboard. Yes, she actually said that! A lady in a white coat with a sense of humor. I liked her right away. I explained having skin in the game (the money) and the accountability of the proffesionals. She warned me that if I didn't follow the program all the way to the end that I would end up being right back here again. She warned me that it is not easy to take in 800 calories a day and exercise for an hour a day. She warned me that this was the step before you did baratric surgery. That this is the mother of all weight loss programs. She told me that I will lose a lot of weight and lose it fast if I did what I was supposed to do. She told me that this would be an emotional journey. I foamed at the mouth hearing all of it. She didn't scare me one bit. I'm ready.
Today, I have some tests. I have a bunch of blood work to be done to determine if my thyroid is normal, and all my internal crap is working right. I also have an EKG. It doesn't make sense to do this program if there is an underlying problem that is going to inhibit your ability to participate. So level out the playing field. Start with a clean slate. Let's figure out if my insides are all ok. Is my sugar ok, my cholesterol? I'm sure its not. I'm sure it is high, and that will scare the piss out of me. FEAR is one of the best motivators. So, let's get scared. I'm going to need all the motivation I can get. If all my tests come back ok, I will start with the optifast food next Thursday. Oh yeah, let's start a diet during the Holidays! Oh, dear... Are you ready? Are you ready to go through this wild ride with me? I promise it will be entertaining, and I promise to be as honest and I can to help anyone out there on the fence about this program. I promise to answer any questions you may have. I'm ready to be the science experiment! I'm ready for March of 2015 cause that is when I will hit my goal weight. I have a plan, just need the shakes.
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